税务优惠:Tax benefits
税务协谈:An Offer Arising in Relation to the Compromise of a Tax-related case
税务申报表:a tax return
税收制度:tax system
税收员:tax collector
税收年度:tax year
税收能力,课税能力:taxing power
税收负担:Tax Burden
税收法:tax law
税收抵扣限制:tax sparing
税收抵扣:tax reducing
税收代理:tax agency
税前盈利:EBT earning before taxation
税前收入:pre-tax income
税前净收入:net income before tax
税前回报率:pretax rate of return
税率结构:rate structure
税捐优先权:Collection of Taxes Given Priority Over General Claims by Creditors
税捐行政救济:Administrative Remedies
税捐法定主义:Principle of Taxation Under the Law
税捐保全:Tax Safeguards
税基:tax base
税后收益:earnings after tax
税后实际收益率:aftertax real rate of return
税后利率:after-tax rate
税后净收益:net revenue after taxes
税后净收入:net income after tax
税负率:tax burden ratio
税法:Tax law
税额扣抵比率上限:Upper Limits of the Tax Creditable Ration
税额扣抵比率:imputation of tax credit ratio
水渍险,保单独海损险:W.A. with average
水涨船高:When the river rises,the boat floats high.
水下导弹:underwater projectile
水陆联运站:rail and water terminal
水货:smuggled goods
水电装置完成可供使用:A condition where construction of the facilities for the supply of water and power are considered completed and can be use
水电未装置完成已可供使用:A condition where facilities for the supply of water and power are deemed to be under construction,but where such facilities may nonetheless be avaiable for use under certain circumstances
谁言寸草心,报得三春晖:"Such kindness of warm sun,can't be repaid by grass. "
谁控股?:Who holds the controlling shares?
双重租赁:double leasing
双重外汇市场:dual exchange market
双重所得税(免征):D. I. T double income-tax(relief)
双重市场价格:dual market price