实收资本利润率:profit ratio of paid-in capital
实收资本;已缴足资本:Paid-up capital
实收资本,已缴资本:capital paid in
实时转送:online transfer
实时支付结算系统[金管局]:Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS) [HKMA]
实时数码数据服务:Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS)
实时数码数据传送专线:realtime digital datafeed
实时或取消:Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)
实时汇款同时交收[银行]:payment vs payment (PvP) [banking]
实时达帐:real-time account settlement
实盘:firm offer
实龙岗邻里警局局长:CO Serangoon Neighbourhood Police Centre
实里达区司令:CO Seletar Region
实践性民事法律行为:practical civil legal act
实践是检验真理的唯一标准:Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
实际资本:Actual Capital
实际增长率:actual growth rate
实际现金价值:actual cash value
实际所有权:beneficial ownership
实际收益:Actual income
实际履行原则:doctrine of specific performance
实际价值,内部价值:intrinsic value
实际汇率:real exchange rate
实际负债:Real Liabilities
实际存在(居住):physical presence
实际成本与估计成本:actual cost and estimated cost
实际GNP:Real GNP
实话实说:Telling the Truth
实股认股权证:Physical warrant
实地行动组主任:Head (Field Team)
实地行动组:Field Operations
实地市场测试:field test marketing
实地情报组主任:Head Field Intelligence Branch
实词程序过程:substantive procedures
实(质)体证据:substantial evidence
识别细分市场:identification of segments
时信商业资询有限公司:Times Business Information Ltd.
时效终止:lapse of time;termination of prescription
时效中止:suspension of limitation
时效中断:interruption of prescription
时效延长:extension of limitation
时评:the event review
时间值:time value
时间和材料:T&M time and material
时间戳记:time stab