起征点:minimum threshold
起造人:The Builder
起跑器:start machine
起货(装载)费:landing (loading) charges
启运港船边交货:FA free alongside
启美洁具有限公司:Qimei Bathware Co.,Ltd.
启动基金:initial funding
企业资本:enterprise capital
企业重组:Enterprise restructuring
企业章程:articles of association;articles of incorporation;bylaw
企业形象:enterprise image
企业视野:Corporate vision
企业实体:valuation methods
企业上市:Company Listing
企业融资:enterprise financing
企业内部开发中心:In-house development center
企业利润分析:analysis of business profit
企业家的胆略:enterpreneurial courage
企业集团:enterprise group
企业会计原则:principles of business accounting
企业合并:Enterprises Merger
企业国有化:nationalization of enterprise
企业管治:Corporate governance
企业管理机制:Enterprise management
企业管理,工商管理:business administration
企业管理:enterprise management
企业股:enterprise share
企业服务主任:Head Corporate Services
企业风险:enterprise risk
企业法人破产还债程序:procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation
企业法人:Legal Person
企业的自我约束机制:self-regulating mechanism of enterprises
企业倒闭:business failures
企业储蓄:business savings
企业承包责任制:Enterprise contract management responsibility system
企业长期贷款:business term loan
企业产权:enterprise property
企业并购案件查核:Investigation of Business Mergers and Acquisitions
企业保险:insurance of enterprises
企划部:Planning Department
骑警:horseback police
歧视价格调整:discriminatory adjustments
歧视定价调整:discriminatory pricing adjustments
其它资产:Other assets
其它提供娱乐设施:The Like That Provide Facilities for the Recreation or Entertainment of Others