吸水管线:suction line
吸水管绳:suction hose rope
吸水管接口:hydrant adapter
吸水管过滤器:suction hose strainer
吸水管扳手:suction wrench
吸水管:suction pipe
吸水点:suction point
吸收性材料:absorbing medium
吸湿率:water absorption
吸舌:suction cock
吸入式泡沫比例混合器:suction foam inductor
吸入式比例混合器:suction inductor
吸入滤清器:suction filter
吸入供水系统:suction water supply system
吸入创伤:inhalation injury
吸热作用:endothermic action
吸热系统:endothermic system
吸热特性:endothermic character
吸热容量:heat-sinking capacity
吸气阻力:resistance to inhalation
吸气温度:suction temperature
吸气式感烟探测:aspirating smoke detection
吸留沼气量:occluded methane content
吸留沼气:occluded methane
吸流气体:occluded gas
吸附状态气体:absorbed gas
吸附性气体:absorbing gas
西南研究所:Southwest Research Institute
西姆林清操纵法:Heimlich maneuver
西部预制房屋协会:Western Manufactured Housing Institute
西部消防中心:Western Fire Center.
西部消防长官协会:WFCI;Western Fire Chief Association
西部保险统计局:WAB;Western Actuarial Bureau
西宾夕法尼亚消防员协会:Western Pennsylvania Firemen's Association
雾状水灭火:fog attack
雾状泡沫枪:fog foam nozzle
雾化喷涂:atomization spray
雾化喷水:atomizing spray
雾化率:Vapor ratio
雾化介质:atomizing medium
误信号:error signal
误调入:false call
误报率:false positive
误报的火警:false alarm of fire
物质证据:physical evidence
物质危险:physical hazard