韦斯科非胶质煤矿用硫:Wesco coal powder
为水泵引水:prime a pump
微元反应:elementary reaction
微生物腐坏:microbiological spoilage
微量燃烧:microgravity combustion
微粒掩蔽所:false shelters
微开水枪:crack a nozzle
微开阀杆:crack a valve
微波射线:microwave radiation
微波发射塔:microwave tower
威胁生命暴露极限:life threatening exposure limit
危险状态:dangerous state
危险状况:danger situation
危险溢出物:hazardous spill
危险易燃液体:flammable liquid hazard
危险医疗废物:hazardous medical waste
危险性生产材料:hazardous production material
危险性化学反应:hazardous chemical reaction
危险性分析概念框架:risk analysis conceptual framework
危险性的变化:hazard variation
危险行为:Dangerous behavior
危险信号:danger signal
危险限度:hazard limit
危险物品泄漏:hazardous material release
危险物品事故等级:level of hazardous material incident
危险物:dangerous material
危险识别号:hazardous identification number
危险商品:hazardous commodity
危险品贮藏小室:safety lock
危险品运输条例:Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
危险品运输办公室:Office of Hazardous Material Transportation
危险品数据表:hazard data sheet
危险品事故响应队:hazardous materials response team
危险品事故:hazardous material incident
危险品管理:dangerous cargo management
危险品的救援:hazardous material rescue
危险品处理工作队通讯:hazardous materials team communication
危险品包装标贴:hazardous substance mark
危险品包装:dangerous goods packaging
危险率:hazard rate
危险控制区:hazard control zone
危险控制:danger control
危险空气:fatal atmosphere
危险距离:Dangerous distance
危险警告信标:hazard beacon
危险警报系统:risk alarm system