消防锯:floor saw
消防局局长:chief of department
消防警察中继线:FPT;Fire Police Trunk
消防紧急管理:fire emergency management
消防紧急电梯:fire emergency elevator
消防界线防火线:fire limit
消防界:fire community
消防教官:fire service instructor
消防胶靴:rubber boots
消防胶管卷筒:reel for hose
消防检查体系:fire service inspection system
消防及融雪系统:fire and snow melting system
消防及救护站:fire and ambulance station
消防及:fire service and snow melting system
消防机构位置软件包:fire service location package
消防化学:chemistry of fire
消防护目镜:fire goggles
消防红:fireman's red
消防和应急制造商和服务协会:Fire and Emergency Manufacturers & Services Association
消防和救援局:Bureau of Fire Suppression and Rescue
消防和急救管理联合会:Alliance for Fire & Emergency Management
消防过滤式自救呼吸器:filtering respiratory protective devise for self-rescue from fire
消防规章:rules and regulations
消防管路系统:firemain system
消防管理员:fire production manager
消防管理系统:fire management system
消防管理计划:fire management plan
消防管理备忘录:fire management notes
消防官员:fire official
消防官训练:officer training
消防狗:firehouse dog
消防供水线:fire water line
消防供水持续时间:fire water duration
消防工作专家:fire service expert
消防工作条例:official action guide
消防工程师学会:IFE;Institution of Fire Engineers
消防工程师:fire engineer
消防工程软件:FPE Software
消防给水流量:fire flow
消防感温式报警探测器:fire alarm detector of thermal type
消防妇女联合会:Women in the Fire Service
消防服务表彰日:Fire Service Recognition Day
消防分支营地:spike camp;fly camp
消防分区:fire protection vertical division blocks
消防费用:fire protection expense
消防飞机协调员:air tanker coordinator