报表格式:report form
保综合险:all-risks insurance
保证措施:assurance step
保险总开关:safety limit switch
保险总额:insured sum
保险罩:protecting casing
保险章程:insurance term and condition
保险义务:insurance obligation
保险业务事务所:ISO;Insurance Services Office
保险业:Insurance business
保险推广员:insurance canvasser
保险条例:insurance proposal
保险事业:insurance mission
保险事故:insurance accident
保险商实验所批准合格的:UL listed
保险商实验所:Underwriter's Laboratories Incorporated
保险商螺纹:underwriter thread
保险赔款:insurance indemnity
保险赔偿费的支付:benefit payment
保险赔偿费:insured cost
保险年度:insurance year
保险帽:protecting cap
保险率:insurance rate
保险联接器:safety coupling
保险盒:fuse box
保险合作社:insurance cooperative
保险罐:safety can
保险股份公司:stock company
保险公司算理员:insurance adjuster
保险公司:insurance company
保险公积金:insurance reserve fund
保险杠消防炮:bumper turret
保险代理行(代理人):insurance broker
保险代理行:insurance agency
保险代理商协会:Corporation of Insurance Agents
保卫队:security guard
保损坏-损失险:insurance against damage-loss
保留气:retained gas
保留林地:forest reservation
保龄球场:bowling alley
保健措施:health measures
保火险:insure against fire
保护要求:protection requirement
保护眼镜:protective spectacles
保护性措施:protective practice
保护系统设计:design for the protection system
保护特性:protective characteristics
保护树:relay tree