输入 输出控制器:input output control unit
受迫循环;强制循环:forced circulation
受控热核研究:controlled thermonuclear research
受控热核反应堆:controlled fusion reactor
受控核裂变链式反应:controlled nuclear fission chain reaction
受激原子密度:excited-atom density
受激核:excited nucleus
受过辐射的水:activated water
寿命起初:beginning of life
首端分离系数:head separation factor
首端处理工厂:head end plant
首端处理:head-end treatment
首次碰撞几率:first collision probability
守恒率:conservation law
守恒力场:conservative force field
手足监测器:hand and foot monitor
手污染监测器:alpha hand contamination monitor
收率曲线:yield curve
收敛射束装置:convergent beam unit
收敛射束:convergent beam
收敛反应:convergent reaction
收集糟:collecting tank
收集时间:acquisition time
收集过滤器:entrainment filter
收集电压:collecting voltage
嗜中性粒:neutrophil granule
释放比:Release ratio
适时目标:timeliness goal
试样图:assay map
试验状态:test condition
试验功率突增的专用反应堆:special power excursion reactor test
试验反应堆:test reactor
试管中试验:in vitro test
视线核:line of sight kernel
视线法:line of sight
势能曲线不交叉规则:non crossing rule of potential curve
势垒穿透率:barrier factor
势垒:potential barrier
势阱的深度:potential well depth
事故停堆裕度:trip margin
事故停堆水平:trip level
事故停堆平均间隔时间:mean time between scrams (MTBS)
事故停堆棒:emergency shut-down member,emergency shut-off rod
事故停堆:accidental shutdown
事故时高照射:emergency high exposure
事故后排热:post accident heat removal