实物尺度:full size
实际威力:actual yield
实际日常检查工卓:actual routine inspection effort
实际库存量评价:physical inventory taking
实际规模的聚变发电站:full scale fusion power plant
实际地面零点:actual ground zero
实测库存量清单:physical inventory listing
实测库存量:physical inventory
识别标记器:identification marker
时间甄别器:time discriminator
时间宇称:time parity
时间选择器:time sorter
时间上的分布:temporal distribution
时间距离曲线:time distance curve
时间幅度转换器:time to amplitude converter
时间分辨本领:time resolution
时间道:time channel
时间单位:time units
时间变换器:time converter
时间 幅度转换器:time amplitude converter
石墨栅格:graphite lattice
石墨涂敷的铀颗粒:graphite coated uranium particle
石墨球:nodular graphite
石墨慢化钠冷却反应堆:graphite moderated sodium cooled reactor
石墨炉原子发射光谱测定法:graphite furnace atomic emission spectrometry
石墨聚变反应堆:graphite fusion reactor
石墨减速的:graphite moderated
石墨反应堆:graphite reactor
石墨堆芯:graphite core
十字线:graticule,wire cross,cross hair,crossline,register cross
十亿瓦日/吨:gigawatt day/ton
十进制计数电路:decade counting circuit
十进制定标器:decade scaler
十进位定标器:decade scaler
十分之一最大峰值处的全宽度:full width at one tenth of maximum
十分之一值减弱层:one tenth value layer
十分之一衰减期:one-tenth period
十分之一厚度值:tenth thickness value
湿蒸汽冷却反应堆:wet steam cooled reactor
湿法后处理:aqueous reprocessing
施密特模型:schmidt model
施密特规则:schmidt rule
失灵时间:dead time
失控上升能:run away energy
失控上升后功率:run out power
失控上升功率:run away power
失控核反应:uncontrollable reaction