现场使用:usage in spot
现场施工:Site construction
现场生产性能测定:on-farm performance
现场渗透度:in situ permeability
现场设备:field device
现场认地:site identification
现场清洗:in-place cleaning
现场铆钉对接接头:site riveted butt joint
现场录音:live recording
现场联结:field connection
现场连接:joint connection in site
现场立方体强度:in situ cube strength
现场立方块试验:field cube test
现场冷却:spot cooling
现场控制台:field control station
现场客:floor trader
现场可更换部件:field-replaceable unit
现场可变只读存储器:field alterable ROM
现场勘探工程(公共工程类别):ground investigation field work [public works category]
现场勘察;实地勘察:field investigation
现场勘察:on-site exploration
现场勘测:site investigation
现场决标:award at tender opening
现场竞出租金投标方式:instant rental tendering
现场经纪:floor broker;pit broker
现场搅拌混凝土:present mixed concrete
现场搅拌的混凝土:site mixed concrete
现场浇筑混凝土桩:in-situ concrete pile
现场浇筑混凝土构件:cast-in-situ concrete unit
现场浇筑混凝土衬层:in-situ concrete lining
现场浇筑混凝土:poured in place concrete
现场浇筑构造:in situ construction
现场浇筑:in-situ casting
现场交通:site traffic
现场交货价格:ex point of origin
现场鉴定;实地鉴定:field identification
现场检修:on-site maintenance
现场加工车间:job workshop
现场加工:processing on the spot
现场记录:spot record
现场计数:field enumeration
现场混凝土实际强度:in situ actual strength of concrete
现场混凝土强度:in situ concrete strength
现场混凝土含水量:in situ moisture content [concrete]
现场荷载测试;实地荷载测试:field loading test
现场核数员:field auditor
现场核查:on-site examination
现场焊接:site welding
现场焊缝:field welding
现场灌筑混凝土:concreting in site