屋顶空气调节机:roof top air conditioner
屋顶结构形式:roof form
屋顶角:angle of a roof
屋顶荷载:roof load
屋顶构造:roof construction
屋顶构件:roof component
屋顶公寓:penthouse apartment
屋顶工作:roofing work
屋顶隔热板:roof insulating slab
屋顶格式:style of roof
屋顶覆盖层材料:roof covering material
屋顶房:attic room
屋顶防水层:roof membrane
屋顶窗:Lucarne modality
屋顶出口:exit opening
屋顶承木:roof bearer
屋顶表面:roof surface
屋顶保温:roof insulation
屋顶板条:roof lath
屋顶板:roof deck
屋地业权人:house lot owner
屋地基本率:building basic rate
屋地;建筑用地:building lot
屋地:house site
屋 周全保养大使:Estate CARE Ambassador
屋 之间的比对价值:comparative estate value
屋 统计季报:quarterly estates statistics
屋 式住宅楼宇:estate-type residential development
屋 社区中心:estate community centre
屋 设施评估:estate facilities assessment
屋 人口年龄分析季报:quarterly estate population age analysis
屋 平面图:estate plan
屋 联络主任计划:Estate Liaison Officer Scheme
屋 酒楼(香港)商会有限公司:Estates' Restaurants (HK) Merchant Association Limited
屋 经常开支:estate working expenses
屋 界线;界:estate boundary
屋 建筑面积:estate building coverage
屋 会计系统:Estate Accounts System
屋 管理谘询委员会小组( 管谘委会小组):Estate Management Advisory Committee Team [EMAC Team]
屋 管理小组委员会(香港房屋协会):Estate Management Sub-committee [Hong Kong Housing Society]
屋 管理范围:estate management boundary
屋 管理处运作程序:estate office operational procedure
屋 管理处:estate office
屋 福利中心:estate welfare centre
屋 福利大厦:estate welfare building
屋 范围:estate area
屋 道路:estate road