现场灌注桩;就地灌注桩:in situ pile
现场灌注球基桩:franki pile
现场估计混凝土特征强度:estimated in situ characteristic concrete strength
现场工滋序:site procedure
现场工程师:customer engineer(CE); field engineer(FE),site engineer
现场仿真:scene imitating
现场发泡绝缘:foamed in place insulation
现场发泡/喷射绝缘材料:spray/foam-in-place insulation
现场调度:On-the-spot dispatch
现场调查员:field worker
现场调查设计:field survey design
现场调查、工址调查:Site investigation
现场电视监测生产法:television-monitored production
现场存货:field warehousing
现场淬火:field quenching
现场承载测试;实地承载测试:field bearing test
现场操作规范:field-work standards
现场材料支付:payment of material on site
现场拌合配方:job mix formula
现场安装容器:field assembly of vessels
现场安装和维修条件:installation and maintenance conditions at field
现场安装工作:on-site installation work
显眼位置:conspicuous position
显眼地方:conspicuous place
显微分析;显微镜分析:microscopic analysis
显示屏:display screen
闲置费用:cost of idleness
鲜风柜;空气处理装置:air handling unit
纤维质泥炭土:Fibrous peat
纤维增强塑料纵横剪切试验方法:Test method for longitudinal transverse shear(L-T shear) properties of fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料性能试验方法总则:The generals of test methods for properties of fiber-reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料吸水性试验方法:Test methods for water absorption of fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料树脂不可溶分含量试验方法:Test method for insoluble matter content of resin used in fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料术语:Terms for fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料燃烧性能试验方法 炽热棒法:Test method for flammability characteristics of fiber-reinforced plastics--Incandescent rod method
纤维增强塑料平均比热容试验方法:Test method for mean specific heat capacity of fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料密度和相对密度试验方法:Test methods for density and relative density of fiber reinforced plastics
纤维增强塑料结构件失效分析一般程序:General procedure of failure analysis for fiber reinforced plastic structural products
纤维增强塑料高低温力学性能试验准则:Guide rule of test for mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced plastics at elevated and reduced temperatures
纤维增强塑料层合板拉-拉疲劳性能试验方法:Test method for tension--tension fatigue of fiber reinforced plastic laminates
纤维增强塑料薄层板压缩性能试验方法:Test method for compressive properties of fiber reinforced plastic thin laminates
纤维增强塑料巴氏 (巴柯尔) 硬度试验方法:Test method for hardness of fiber reinforced plastics by means of a Barcol impressor
纤维增强水泥屋面板及墙板:fiber-reinforced cementitious roof and siding
纤维增强水泥及其制品术语:Terms of fiber reinforced cement and related products
纤维增强热固性塑料管轴向压缩性能试验方法:Test method for longitudinal compressive properties of fiber-reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe
纤维增强热固性塑料管轴向拉伸性能试验方法:Test method for longitudinal tensile properties of fiber-reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe
纤维增强热固性塑料管平行板外载性能试验方法:Test method for external loading properties of fiber -reinforced thermosetting plastic pipe by parallel- plate loading