浇灌横接缝:lift joint
浇管灌凝土:cast concrete
浇管:pouring tube
郊游地区:picnic area
郊区住宅:suburban residence
郊区支路:rural feeder road
郊区公园:suburban park
郊区道路:rural road
交通状况冲撞总图:traffic combined condition collision diagram
交通载重:Traffic load
交通研究:Traffic problems
交通需求线图:desire line diagram
交通需求线:desire line
交通维持计划:Traffic Control & Management during Construction
交通容量;容车量:traffic capacity
交通桥:traffic bridge
交通廊道:transportation corridor
交通控制中心:traffic control and survesllance center
交通井:access well
交通较疏时间;非交通繁忙时间:off peak hours/ period (traffic)
交通交汇处:transport interchange
交通建筑学:traffic architecture
交通管制及监察系统:traffic control and surveillance
交通改道:diversion of traffic
交通费:communication expense,traffic allowance
交通洞:traffic hole
交通灯控制行人过路处:signal-controlled pedestrian cro
交通灯控制地面路口:at-grade signal controlled junction
交通灯控制的行人过路处:signal-controlled pedestrian crossing
交通灯控制的路口:signal-controlled junction
交通灯号:traffic light signal
交通导流岛:guide island (traffic)
交通保护设施:traffic protection construction
交通安全岛指示灯:traffic island bollard
交替荷载试验:alternating load test
交谈模式辨认:Interactive pattern
交梁平板:beam and girder slab
交货逾期:delay in delivery
交回管有权:deliver up possession
交回单位:returned flat
交换性离子:exchangeable cation
交换契:deed of exchange
交换地盘:site swapping
交还物业:surrendered property
交还土地协议:agreement to surrender
交还土地的价值:surrender value