建屋津贴:building allowance
建屋计划:flat production programme
建屋合作社:Co-operative Building Society
建屋发展潜质:housing potential
建屋地台:housing platform
建设设备公司:construction equipment company
建设阶段;施工阶段:construction stage
建设监督:clerk of works
建设,建筑,修建:to build,to construct
建成区:built-up area
建材用石灰石化学分析方法:Methods of chemical analysis of limestone for building material industry
见习工程师:student engineer
见习工程地质工程师:Engineering Geology Graduate
见习测量主任:Survey Officer Trainee
碱液缸:alkaline tank
碱液法:soda solution grouting
碱液泵:lye pump
碱性集料反应:alkaline aggregate reaction
碱脱色:alkali aggregate expansion
简支粱:single beam
简支跨度:simply supported span
简支结构:simple supported structure
简悦强爵士程式(计算收地补偿):Y.K. Kan Formula [calculating compensation for land acquisition]
简易招标程序:abbreviated tender system
简图;草图:sketch plan
简体结构:tubular structures
简陋居所;不合标准居所:substandard accommodation
简化计算法:simplified calculation method
简化符号:abridged notation
简短介绍:A brief introduction
简单砖石盖搭建筑物:simple stone structure
简单圆面积锯机:Circular saw bench
简单五金配件:Simple connecting fittings
简单墙壁设计:simple wall configuration
简单合约:simple contract
简单刚架:simple frame
硷性土:basic soil
硷性水:Alkaline water
硷基交换量:base cxchang capacity
硷基交换:base cxchang
检验介质:examination medium
检修小车:inspection trolley
检修弯管:access bend
检修门槽:gate slot
检修门:maintenance gate
检修孔塞和孔盖:access plug and cap
检修材料:repair materials