学得的恐惧:learned fear
薛旺鞘:sheath of Schwarn
薛费法:Scheffe method
眩晕持续状态:status vertiginous
眩光视觉恢复时间曲线:glare recovery time curve
眩光视觉恢复时间:glare recovery time
选择组:select set
选择与联结:selecting and connecting
选择学习:selective learning
选择性知觉:selectivity perception
选择性遗忘:selective amnesia
选择性搜索:Selective searching
选择性失忆症:catathymic amnesia
选择性强化:selective reinforcement
选择性接触:selective contact
选择性教育:school choice education
选择性忽视:selective inattention
选择性繁殖:selection breeding
选择性呈现:selective exposure
选择性沉默:selective silence
选择性保持:selective retention
选择效度:selection validity
选择稳定说:selective stability theory
选择实验:choice experiment
选择时间:selection time
选择区域抽样:selected precinct sampling
选择面谈法:methods of selection interview
选择两难问卷:Choice Dilemmas Questionnaire
选择理论:Choice theory
选择技巧误差:choice technique error
选择极限:selection limit
选择放松:relaxation of selection
选择反应:selection response
选择繁殖:selected reproduction
选择法:choice method
选择带:zone of preference
选择抽样:choice sample
选择差异:Choice difference
选择测验:selection test
选择编码:selective coding
选择比率:selection ratio
选择比较水平:comparison level for alternatives
选择保留法:retained members method
选择伴侣:mate choosing
选言概念:disconjunctive concept
选定地位:choice status