里兹的方法:ritz method
李子环:lie subring
李同态:lie homomorphism
李奇恒等式:ricci equatoin
李普希茨连续性:lipschitz continuity
李普希茨连续函数:lipschitz continuous function
李普希茨空间:lipschitz space
李普希茨常数:lipschitz constant
李连续群:lie continuous group
黎兹表示定理:riesz representation theorem
黎曼子廖:riemannian submanifold
黎曼映射定理:riemann mapping theorem
黎曼曲面的叶:sheets of rieman surface
黎曼廖:riemannian manifold
黎曼联络:Riemann connection
黎曼可积性:integrability in the sense of riemann
黎曼可测的:riemann measurable
黎曼矩阵:riemann matrix
黎曼 斯蒂尔斯积分:riemann stieltjes integral
黎曼 洛赫型定理:theorem of riemann roch type
黎曼 罗里群:riemann roch group
黎卡提微分方程:Riccati differential equation
离心角:eccentric angle
离散最优化问题:discrete optimization problem
离散最佳化:discrete optimization
离散拓扑空间:discrete topological space
离散连续系统:discrete continuous system
离散均匀分布:discrete uniform distribution
离散集:discrete set
离散范畴:discrete category
离差的量度:measure of dispersion
棱锥曲面:pyramidal surface
棱柱的蹄状体:ungula of the prism
累加分布函数:cumulative distribution function
类域塔:class field tower
类域:class field
类演算:The calculus of classes
类型问题:type problem
类空廖:space like manifold
类函数:class function
勒让德记号:legendre symbol
勒贝格数:lebesgue number
勒贝格内测度:inner Lebesgue measure
勒贝格面积:lebesgue area
勒贝格空间:lebesgue space