统计数据:statistical data
统计判决问题:statistical decision problem
统计判决函数:statistical decision function
统计判决过程:statistical decision process
统计判决程序:statistical decision procedure
统计力学中的概率方法:probabilistic method in statistical mechanics
统计精确度:statistical accuracy
统计分析:statistical analysis
同种代数群:isogeneous algebraic group
同余算术:modulo arithmetic
同余数:congruent numbers
同余群:congruence group
同余模:modulus of a congruence
同余函数:congruence zeta function
同映射:homologous mappings
同心圆族:family of concentric circles
同相复形:isomorphic complex
同纬映象同态:suspension homomorphism
同纬映象同构:suspension isomorphism
同纬映射定理:suspension theorem
同纬映射:suspension map
同态群:group of homomorphisms
同态模:module of homomorphisms
同态定理:homomorphism theorem
同时代入:simultaneous substitution
同旁内角:interior angles on the same side of the transversal
同伦映射:Homotopic mapping
同伦序列:homotopy sequence
同伦型:homotopy type
同伦算子:homotopic operator
同伦群函子:homotopy group functor
同伦群:homotopy groups
同伦球面:homotopy sphere
同伦逆的:homotopy inverse
同伦链:homotopy chain
同伦扩张:homotopy expansion
同伦结合性:homotopy associativity
同伦集:homotopy set
同伦分类:homotopy classification
同伦分割定理:homotopy excision theorem
同伦定理:homotopy theorem
同伦等价空间:homotopically equivalent space
同伦道路:homotopic path
同伦不变量:homotopic invariant
同类相关系数:intra class correlation coefficient