64-year-old woman completes Cuba to Florida swim
(Xinhua)   2013-09-03 10:05:20

BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- 64-year-old US endurance swimmer Diana Nyad has just fulfilled her dream to become the first person to swim to Florida from Cuba without a shark cage.

Nyad came ashore in Key West about 53 hours after setting off from Havana, completing a journey of about 110 miles. This is Nyad’s fifth attempt in 35 years to make the crossing. At least a couple of hundred people were waiting for her on the beach, cheering and blowing horns as she approached. Nyad has thus set a record for the longest ocean swim without a shark cage or flippers, according to her crew.

(Source: cntv.cn)

Editor: Bi Mingxin
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