Japanese rally against Osprey deployment
(Xinhua)   2012-08-06 10:48:15

BEIJING, Aug. 6 (Xinhuanet) -- In , protesters have been holding rallies against U.S plans to deploy Osprey aircraft in Okinawa. But the main protest was postponed because of a typhoon. Organizers had said they expected more than a hundred thousand people to join the demonstration.

Despite the postponement of the main rally in Okinawa, anti Osprey demonstrations was held in number of cities in Japan. Residents in Okinawa have protested against marine base relocation plan and new deployment of the MV-22 Osprey for number of years, but this is one of the rare occasions where residents in mainland acted in concert with Okinawa.

Toru Shimabukuro, Vice Chairman, Okinawa People’s Association, Tokyo, said, “People in the mainland Japan used to think that the U.S. Military and Status of Forces Agreement only concerned Okinawa. But now there is a plan to test flies Osprey in 5 or more routes in Japan, and people here realize that it is an issue that concerns all Japanese.”

The U.S. Marine Corps plans low-altitude flights for newly deployed Ospreys on seven routes above Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and other parts of Japan. Residents worry on possibilities of it crashing in populated areas and environmentalists worry on effects to endangered species living on the flight path.

Protesters voiced concerned that the Japanese Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto said the Osprey was safe after a test ride during his U.S. visit. Japan and U.S. agreed that the Ospreys would not fly over Japan until the accident investigation report clears its safety. But residents worry that this statement may be an endorsement to a full deployment.

"I heard that there will be huge rally in Okinawa and there is one here in support of it. I come to show my concern with Osprey as well."

"I do not want Okinawa to be scarified anymore for the mainland sake. They have suffered enough and people in the mainland should start thinking about Okinawa."

Washington is eyeing deployment of the aircraft by October to complete realignment of the marine forces in the region

The key to the debate is whether Washington and Tokyo government can produce a convincing investigation report on the safety of the MV-22 Osprey.

But to the people of Okinawa, it will never be convincing enough to accept deployment of the aircraft and the currently marine base relocation plan.

(Source: CNTV.cn)


Editor: Liu
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