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二因子判决:two factor decisions
二分图模型:bipartite graph fault propagation model
二次相位差:secondary phase difference
二次风刚性:rigidity of secondary air
二次灌浆层:second grouting layer
二次平均法:way of the second average
二连杆机构:two-link mechanism
二次和电流:resultant secondary current
二级减压器:second grade pressure reducer
二项展开式:binomial expansion
二阶EKF:quadratic EKF
二衬混凝土:second lined concrete
二级再热器:Secondary Reheater
二级固定床:two-stage reactor fixed bed
二阶解析解:second order solutions
二元进气道:2-D scramjet inlet
二维校园网:plane networ
二次浇筑法:second injecting method
二倍体泥鳅:diploid loach
二代玉米螟:The second-generation Asia corn borer
儿童创造力:children's creativity
二倍稀释法:Double dilution method
鄂青蒿1号:Hubei southernwood 1
二穗短柄草:Brachypodium distachyon
耳真皮组织:ear tissue
二年生栽培:biennial culture
鄂西大叶杨:Populus lasiocarpa Oliv.of western Hubei
二点委夜蛾:Athetis(Proxenus) lepigone
峨眉产雅连:Coptis deltoidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao produced from Emei
二择一定理:alternative theorem
二十五进制:M 25
二阶实矩阵:real matrix of order two
二水氯化钙:calcium chloride dehydrate
二次型等式:quadric form identity
二部完全图:complement of bipartite graph
鄂西北山区:northwest mountainous area of Hubei Province
二重粗积分:double rough integrals
鲕粒多样性:oolitic diversity
二次梯度项:quadratic gradient term
二阶近似解:second-order approximate solution
俄罗斯插旗:Russia's flag planting
二重幂平均:double power mean
耳肿胀实验:Ear-swelling test
二分类反应:Binary response
二十碳脂酸:epoxyeicosatrienoic acids
二尖瓣球囊:Inoue balloon
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195 1961971981992008: