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鞍结分支:saddlenode bifurcation
安全储量:safety stock
凹凸性质:nature of concavity and convexity
凹模糊集:concave sets
阿奇山组:Aqishan formation
癌症预防:cancer prevention
氨基酸粉:amino acid powder
氨基酸酒:amino acid spirits
安全限度:safety limit
岸滩运动:beach movement
暗条扰动:Disturbances of solar filaments
暗绿虫草:C. atrovirens
安全实验:safety test
阿达玛积:Hadamard product
安徽沙溪:Shaxi of Anhui Province
安徽地貌:land form of Anhui
安加拉区:Angara flora
凹岸冲刷:outer bank erosion
暗条上升:Filament ascending
安全环距:Safety Ring Spacing
凹槽流痕:trough mark
暗化轨迹:Opacitization locus
埃柯病毒:Echo virus
暗孤子解:dark soliton
安粗岩系:latitic series
爱国教育:patriotic education
暗蓝星系:faint blue galaxies
澳洲蟾蜍:Bufo marinus
安全谓词:secure predicate
按行范数:Norm in Row
氨基末端:amino terminal
奥波策项:Oppolzer term
安全矩阵:security matrix
安全含量:safe level
阿尔芬速:Alfven speed
阿氏公式:the Ar's formula
矮生松树:Dwarf pine
阿当耳蕨:P. adungense
暗条电流:Filament current
暗条扭绞:twisting of filament
埃及曲霉:Aspergillus egyptiacus
暗纹间隔:dark strip spacing
暗点漂移:Dark-ring shifting
页码:97101102103104105106107108109110111112113 1141151161171181191208: