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熔化区间:melting range
热解半焦:pyrolysis char
热管发电:thermosyphon Rankine engine
热能贮存:thermal energy storage
热分离器:thermal separator
染整污水:dyeing and finishing sewage treatment system
热力规范:Thermodynamics criteria
乳液应用:etnulsion aPplication
燃烧模型:burning model
熔样条件:molten sample's condition
染料探针:dye probes
热管材料:P parameter
柔性间隔:flexible spacers
软土地基:soft soil foundation
容积威力:Volume strength
人工方法:Artificial way
热挤压模:hot extruding die
韧性锚索:tenacity cable bolting
溶质固溶:Solute in Solid Solution
溶蚀裂缝:solution and fissure
日、韩梨:J apan Korea pear
热轧粘合:embossing bonding
柔性防撞:flexible protection
刃磨误差:tolerance of grinding hobber
溶损反应:solution loss reaction
熔体过冷:melt supercooling
热灼减率:clinker ignition loss
乳品生产:dairy production
乳品机械:dairy machinery
染前处理:Dyeing prelreatment
热空气幕:hot air curtain
熔覆铸造:cast in place surface alloying
任意直线:Arbitrary Line
任意平面:Arbitrary Plane
韧脆断裂:Tough brittle fracture
熔滴性能:melt-dropping property
热水技术:hot water technique
人工装配:manual assembly
溶涨平衡:swelling balance
软骨下骨:Subchondral bone
溶剂扩散:sovent diffusion
热毛细流:thermocapillary flow
认证程序:certification procedure
燃油锅炉:oil-burning boiler
热场分析:thermal field analysis
熔模型壳:investment shell
热解成膜:Pyrolyzed film
页码:97201202203204205206207 2082092102112122132142152162172182192208: