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溶剂乳化:solvent emulsion
入渗机理:infiltration mechanism
肉豆蔻醚:molecular recognition
燃焰外焰:secondary flame
热气外溢:steam leakage
热模涂料:hot mould coating
热压多晶:thermocompressed polycrystalline
热声制冷:thermoacoustic refrigeration
熔融速率:melting rate
容许因子:Tolerance factor
热轧钢筋:hot rolled bar
蠕变疲劳:creep fatigue
溶剂处理:solvent processing technique
入浸原料:feed material
人口结构:Population structure
溶样体系:dissolve system
溶解电位:dissolution potential
乳浊效果:opaque effect
绕丝性能:wire_wound performance
弱磁选铁:Iron separation by low intensity magnetic separation
人文活动:Human activity
乳化堵塞:emulsion plugging
溶质脱溶:solute separation
溶铜总量:total quantity of dissolve copper
染土固色:fixation by dyed earth
软件界面:software interface
熔体前沿:melt front
人工发酵:artificial fermentation
柔性酯基:flexible ester-group
熔池信息:weld pool information
热球干燥:ball drying
日本根霉:Rhizopus japonicus
热转化率:heat conversion
乳油聚合:emulsion polymerization
日平均值:Everyday average number
熔化参数:melting characteristic parameter
人工卸压:manmade pressure relief
人工排放:manual emission
刃形误差:edge shape error
溶蚀病害:karsts diseases
热轧空冷:heat-rolling and air-cooling
燃烧固氟:fluorine retention during coal combustion
软性油脂:soft fats
燃油改造:fuel oil revamp
人工沸石:artificial zeolite
容器性能:vessel performance
页码:97201202203204205 2062072082092102112122132142152162172182192208: