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快乐氛围:happy atmosphere
快速锅炉:steam boiler
抗蚀行为:corrosion resistance
空气分布:air distribution
颗粒技术:granule technology
快速染色:fast staining
空心球壳:hollow spheres
快速退火:rapid thermal annealing
扩散理论:diffusion theory
康平煤田:Kangping Coal Mine
抗菌搪瓷:Antibacterial enamel
快速合成:quick synthesis
空心弹体:hollow projectile
扩散偏聚:segregation through diffusion
快凝过程:rapid solidification process
空心砌块:hollow block
控晶铸造:control-grain cast
抗氧化级:grade of oxidation resistance
控制历程:Control course
快速估算:quick estimation
空气开关:air switch
矿床谱系:spectrum of mineral deposits
垦东凸起:Kendong Arch
空位有序:vacancy ordering
矿制载体:ore support
空调铝箔:aluminium foil for air conditioner
抗弯测试:bending test
抗坠结构:anti-crash structure
空度因子:porosity factor
扩张频率:Dilational frequency
可见荧光:visible fluorescence
可萃取焦:soluble coke
开放控制:Open control
可逆萃取:Reversible extract
开环共聚:ring-opening copolymerization
口模结构:die geometry
快速升温:high heating rate
孔位置度:hole position accuracy
控制矩形:control rectangle
柯氏气团:KESHI gas mass
跨国研发:transnational R&D
矿石特性:ore characteristics
开坡口机:chamfering machine
空气喷射:air sparging
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250 2512522532542552562572582592608: