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矿山巷道:mine tunnel
矿山药剂:mine reagent
可浸提态:Extractable form
科学实验:scientific experiment
可反洗井:reverse washing well
勘查协议:exploration agreement
矿业资金:mining fund
矿山提升:Mine hoisting
空气夹带:entrained air
开发费用:Development cost
矿权改革:mineral property reform
矿业环境:mining environment
壳型工艺:shell mold technical operation
咳特灵片:Kete Ning Tablets
宽带窄带:broad/narrow-band beam
抗磨规律:anti wear rule
快速运移:quickly migrate
开环性能:ring opening ability
壳芯结构:core-shell structure
控制人口:controlling population
矿井隧道:mine tunnel
开潭水库:Kaitan Reservoir
刻度指示:graduation indication
扩容改造:technical modernization with capacity expansion
昆明机场:Kunming airport
空间重建:space reconstruction
快速调形:rapid shape adjusting
开发层系:layer series of development
框架陀螺:restrained gyro
孔间表皮:skin between factures
科学态度:scientific attitude
开口机构:shedding mechanism
抗剪阻力:shear resistance
空气扩散:oxygen diffusion
矿石货化:ore impoverishment
颗粒行为:particle's behavior
昆明地区:Kunming area
抗菌防臭:anti-bacterium and anti-sthking
恐龙化石:Dinosaur fossils
扩散拦截:diffusional interception
矿山生产:mine production
可交换态:exchangeable speciation
快速色谱:Fast Chromatograph
快速增密:Rapid densification
快速破胶:rapid break
苦丁茶叶:Ilicls Follum leaf
扩散模态:diffusion patterns
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 2562572582592608: