圣公会邓肇坚中学 (sheng kung hui tang shiu kin secondary school),位于香港湾仔爱群道九号,由圣公会港澳教区创办,成立于1962年,是一所基督教男女子中学,以英语为教学语言。学校之中文校训是“恒心,宽恕,容忍”,而希腊语校训则是“hypomone”。现任校长为谢秀琼女士。
学校礼堂为八角形的设计,外似马戏团的帐幕,设有空调,占地9,000ft2,可以从天空上看到绿色大八角形,其学校礼堂(肇坚堂) 的舞台是标准舞台,适合大型表演,同时比大部份学校的礼堂大。
·a 9,000ft2 air-conditioned school hall
·31 air-conditioned classrooms, all with overhead projectors
·10 special rooms for academic, cultural and technical subjects
·6 science laboratories with advanced equipment
·an information technology (i.t.) room equipped with advanced i.t. equipment
·audio-visual (a.v.) room catering for production of school-based teaching materials
·an air-conditioned library with internet corner, careers corner, a video room and a collection of 20000 books
·a multi-storey sports complex with air-conditioned gymnasium, dance studio, squash courts, swimming pool and fitness area
·augustin(瑶) 红色
·deusdedit(瑛) 黄色
·mellitus(璇) 蓝色
·justus(莹) 绿色
·honorius(琮) 啡色
·laurentius(珩) 紫色
每个社都由一位社长及1至2位老师领导。 学校经常举办社制比赛,大部份比赛均在体育方面,如水运会、陆运会年终时以成绩作结算,评出最佳的社。
领袖生 (prefect)
we build our school on thee, o lord; to thee we bring our common need. the loving heart, the helpful word, the tender thought, the kindly deed.
we work together in thy sight, we live together in thy love; guide thou our faltering steps aright, and lift our thoughts to heaven above.
hold thou each hand to keep it just; touch thou our lips and make them pure. if thou art with us, lord, we must be faithful friends and comrades sure.
we change, but thou art still the same, the same good master, teacher, friend; we change but, lord, we bear thy name to journey with it to the end.
dear lord we pray thy spirit may be present in our school alway.