Abandoned villages in NW China

Editor's note:

Yongtai Ancient City was once covered by fertile land and surrounded by dense forest, however the place is now desolate due to a lack of water and ecological deterioration. After more and more residents moved out, there are now only a few elderly people left in the village. Yongtai is only one example of a number of abandoned villages in northwest China.


Yongtai Ancient City, in Jingtai County, Gansu Province, lies in the hinterland of the Qilian Mountain, and the border zone between the Loess Plateau and Tengger Desert. The families in the village raise sheep to earn a living, as Qilian Mountain is a natural pasture. [Photo: Sina]

Wang Shuiyuan shepherds his sheep on a small hill. In Yongtai, this is generally the only skill the residents have. According to historical evidence, the ancient city was once covered by fertile land and surrounded by dense forest. Older people recall that when they were young, the inner city was filled with plants and trees, and the city wall was surrounded by a moat. But now, there is less and less grass for the sheep to feed on. [Photo: Sina]

When dusk comes, shepherds herd their sheep down from Qilian Mountain and return to the village through a shabby gate tower. Since there is no water on the mountain, the hundreds of sheep have to rush to a well inside the city to drink. [Photo: Sina]

An old man sits alone next to the road at sunset. The village has been almost completely abandoned; nine out of ten houses are empty, and some are already in ruins. Due to the deterioration of the environment, a lack of water and desertification, more and more residents have left the village and found other places to live. The population of the village has dropped from 1,300 to 100. [Photo: Sina]

Li Chongren has lived in Yongtai Ancient City for a long time, his house is a tile-roofed house built around 1949. The 63-year-old man was the principal of the village's primary school. When he retired, he became a tourism instructor. [Photo: Sina]

Due to the lack of water, more and more young people have left the village. The 100 residents left are mainly older people and children. [Photo: Sina]

Yan Peijin carries water back to the village for his parents. The residents depend on their sheep for their livelihoods. Yan Peijin has 300 sheep and some dry land. He said that in recent years, more people have chosen to move out, but he, his brother and his parents don't want to leave. [Photo: Sina]

The well inside the village is the main water source for the villagers. In the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), General Yue Zhongqi and his army built five wells in the east, south, west, north and middle of the village. After hundreds of years, the water channels are still protected. [Photo: Sina]

When night falls, Yang Xiuyan and her mother stand outside their house waiting for his father to come back home. Yang lives in a small village named Badou Shangtaonao of Haiyuan County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Due to serious drought in consecutive years, the village is no longer a suitable residence for people. Yang's family also want to move to other places, but they can't afford it since Yang's father got ill and cost all savings. [Photo: Sina]

68-year-old Wang Wanqian is one of the few remainders in the Daling Village of Gulang County in Gansu. His son and daughter-in-law bought a new flat and moved to the county. But Wang would not like to leave. [Photo: Sina]

Daling Village once had a flourishing population. But now, only the older people are left. They often have a lot of affection for their hometown. [Photo: Sina]

The son of Wang Wanqian tries to fix his television antenna in order to give his parents TV to watch, to improve their quality of life. [Photo: Sina] 

Wang Wanqian fetches water from a small stream. Villagers have drunk from the stream for generations, but there is less water all the time. [Photo: Sina]

55-year-old Yang Rong still lives in the village. Although his children want him to move, he said he has to take care of his 60 sheep. [Photo: Sina]

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