Scuffles erupt in Egyptian capital
2013-03-30 (Xinhua)   2013-03-30 11:18:03

BEIJING, March 30 (Xinhuanet) -- Over in Egypt scuffles have erupted between anti-government demonstrators and shopkeepers in the streets around Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

Demonstrators marched through the streets of central Cairo in protest at orders issued by the Prosecutor General to arrest five activists last week. Reports say the scuffles broke out when demonstrators began chanting slogans criticising the president and the Muslim Brotherhood -- which appeared to provoke pro-Mursi business owners in the vicinity.

Many business owners are reported to have complained about the dramatic loss in profits due to disruption caused by the ongoing demonstrations in Tahrir Square.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Tang Danlu
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