Backgrounder of Mekong River murder trials
2013-03-02 (Xinhua)   2013-03-02 10:40:37

BEIJING, March 2 (Xinhuanet) -- Naw Kham and his gang members were found to have masterminded and colluded with Thai soldiers in an attack on two Chinese cargo ships, on October 5, 2011 on the Mekong River.

On October 5th, 2011, thirteen Chinese sailors were killed when two cargo ships, the Hua Ping and Yu Xing 8, were hijacked on the Mekong River.

The tragedy shocked the world. Since then, China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand have started joint patrols along the river.

Naw Kham, the alleged ringleader, was arrested in Laos in April last year, and extradited to China the following month.

On September 20th last year, Naw Kham and five of his gang members stood trial at the Intermediate People’s Court in Kunming, the capital of China’s southwestern Yunnan province.

All six suspects were charged with intentional homicide, drug trafficking, kidnapping and ship hijacking. But Naw Kham, denied plotting or ordering the attack.

In November 2012, Naw Kham and three of his accomplices were sentenced to death. But they appealed.

In December, the Yunnan High People’s Court opened an appeal hearing. At the trial, Naw Kham continued to claim his innocence.

But the evidence presented again went against Naw Kham’s statement. And the other suspects’ testimony gave further proof.

"Naw Kham told us to commit the murders two days earlier."

We didn’t intend to kill them. Naw Kham gave us the order."

With Naw Kham and his accomplices now executed, they have paid the price of their crime.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Bi Mingxin
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