China hopes new Japanese Ambassador to China to improve bilateral ties
2012-11-27 (Xinhua)   2012-11-27 10:32:12

BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei has said China hopes the newly designated Japanese Ambassador to China can make due efforts to improve bilateral ties. Hong Lei made the remarks at a news briefing in Beijing on Monday.

Hong said China commends former Japanese Ambassador Uichiro Niwa’s efforts during his 28-month term to improve and develop China-Japan ties. Hong described China-Japan relations as being in an extremely severe situation currently. He said China hopes the Japanese side can face the facts, show its sincerity and resolve the problems properly together with China, to resume the normal development of bilateral ties.

The Japanese government officially approved the appointment of Masato Kitera, assistant chief cabinet secretary, as its new ambassador to China last Thursday. The appointment is effective from Monday.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Fang Yang
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