走运,有赚钱的机会:Be on a gravy train
走油田鸡:Fried frogs
走油扣肉:Steamed fried pork
走私货:smuggled goods
走時曲線:Time-distance curve
走砌法,顺砌法:stretcher bond
走马胎:Ardisia gigantifolia
走(布)线器:router (CAD)
纵向上平联:top lateral bracing
纵向隔风墙:line brattice
纵切面:longitudinal section
纵梁托架:stringer bracket
纵梁联:stringer bracing
纵横轧机:universal rolling mill
總應力:Total stress
总纵距:total latitude
总蒸发量:total evaporation water
总载重:total load
总选举主任:Chief Returning Officer
总选举事务主任:Chief Electoral Officer
总效用可能曲线:grand utility possibility curve
总效用可能前沿:grand utility possibility frontier
总吸管:suction lift
总务委员会:general committee,general officers,general bureau
总务长:Dean of General Affairs
总体质量:general quality
总体均衡的存在性:existence of general equilibrium
总体均衡:general equilibrium
总水头比降:total head gradient
总视差:total parallax
总溶解固体:total dissolved solids (TDS)
总票数:aggregate votes
总能量方程式:total energy equation
总垮度:total span
总可变成本:total variable cost
总均值:Grand mean
总局,总部,总行:head (main) office
总径流:total run off
总警监:Commissioner General
总井深:TD total depth
总经理助理:General Manager Assistant
总经理秘书:secretary of general manager
总结性考试:summative test
总横距:total departure
总固体:total solid content
总浮时:total float
总代理:general agent