政制事务委员会(临时立法会):Panel on Constitutional Affairs [Provisional Legislative Council]
政制事务局局长(前称宪制事务司):Secretary for Constitutional Affairs
政制事务局副局长(前称副宪制事务司):Deputy Secretary for Constitutional Affairs
政制事务局(前称宪制事务科)(政府总部):Constitutional Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Constitutional Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat]
政制改革建议:political reform proposal
政制改革:reform of political system
政务司司长(前称布政司):Chief Secretary for Administration [formerly known as Chief Secretary]
政务参赞:Political Counselor
政权顺利交接:smooth transfer of government
政府总部(前称布政司署):Government Secretariat
政府中央组织:central institutions of government
政府帐目委员会(临时立法会):Public Accounts Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]
政府体制;行政制度:government system
政府声明:government statement
政府企业:government enterprise
政府律师(前称检察官):Government Counsel [formerly known as Crown Counsel]
政府陆地运输部:Government Land Transport Agency (GLTA)
政府架构:government structure
政府机关:government organization
政府供应部:Government Supplies Department(GSD)
政府的受雇人:servant of the Government
政府的代理人:agent of the Government
政府财产部:Government Property Agency(GPA)
政敌:political rival
政党政治;党派政治:party politics
政策咨询委员会:policy advisory committee
政策文件(绿皮书、白皮书):policy paper [green paper or white paper]
政策路向:policy direction
政策建议;施政建议:policy proposal
政策纲领:policy programme
证实性实验研究:Confirmatory research
证实书,确认书:letter of confirmation
证券业:securities industry
证券交易员:Bond Trader
证券暨期货管理委员会:Securities and Futures Commission,Ministry of Finance
证券分析员:Bond Analyst
证期会:Securities and Futures Commission
正像远镜:terrestrial telescope
正弦估计量:Sine estimator
正弦波感应:sine-wave response
正弦表面波:sinusoidal surface wave
正误选择题,判断题:true or false items
正态离差:Normal deviate
正式选民登记册:final register
正式外交关系:formal diplomatic relation