羊肉串小摊:barbecue stall
扬基债券 (美国):Yankee bonds
验资证书:certificate on capital verification
验证注册资本:Validation of registered capital
验收总结报告:acceptance summary report
验票口:ticket exit
眼科专家:a Great Master of Ophthalmology
衍生性金融商品:Fair value
衍生权证:derivative warrants
衍生产品市场咨询小组:Derivatives Market Consultative Panel
衍生产品结算及交收系统:Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS)
衍生产品及风险管理文凭课程:Diploma Course in Derivatives and Risk Management
颜色调和:harmonious colours
筵席税,娱乐税:entertainment duty
筵席税:feast tax
研究主管:OC Research
研究与推广:study and popularize
研究与开发:research and development
研究与测试组组长:Officer-in-Charge Research & Testing Section
研究行动主管:OC Ops Research Executive
研究生成绩考试(美):Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
研究生毕业证/学位证:graduate diploma/graudate degree's diploma
研究开发费:research and development fee
研究及策划组:Research & Planning Branch
研究及策划主任:Head Research and Planning
研究及策划高级执行员:SO Research and Planning
研究和开发:research and development
研究发展:research and development
研究处主任:Head Research
沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进:take great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics
沿用传统的生产方式:with traditional methods
沿海开放城市:Coastal open cities
沿海经济特区:Special economic zones in coastal areas
言情小说:love story
严重性罪案组主任:Head Serious Sexual Crime Branch
严以律己,宽以待人:be strict with oneself and lenient towards others
严格评估:Due Diligence
严打斗争:Strike-Hard Operation,campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities
延滞付款:payment in arrear
延展信用证有效期:to extend a credit
延时信息:delayed data
延期利润分享计划:Deferred profit-sharing plan
延付货款:deferred payment
延长报盘:to extend an offer
延不申请使用执照:Apply for a Delay in the Issue of a Usage License