移用使用牌照:Vehicle License Removed for use on Another Vehicle
移民自动通关系统:Immigration Auto-Clearance System
移动电话银行业:mobile-phone banking
移动电话双向收费:two-way charges for cellular phones
移存外汇:surrender of exchange
依赖政府补贴:Relying on government subsidy
依规定税率纳税:To Make Tax Payment in Accordance with the Regulations Concerned
依法仲裁:According to Law
依法治国:ruling the country by law
依法收税:levy taxes according the law
依法登记的名称:legal name
医院管理:hospital management
医药学检验:Clinical Laboratory
医药技术人员:Medical Technician
医药及生育费:Medical and Childbirth Expenses
医药费:medical expenses
医学管理人员:Healthcare / Medical Management
医务主任:Head Medical
医务中心组长:Officer-in-Charge Medical Centre
医务行动及策划科科长:Head Medical Operations & Planning Branch
医生/护士:Medical Officer/Staff Nurse
医生(中、西医):Medical Doctor
医疗制度改革:the reformation of medical care system
医疗福利费:Hospital benefits
医疗保险管理:medicare management
医疗保险:Medical insurance
医疗/护理:Medicine / Nursing
医疗:medical treatment
伊斯兰教教法:the Hui people
伊利诺斯工具厂:Illinois Tool Works
伊丽莎白二世:Queen Elizabeth II
一罪不二罚:nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto;no one is punished twice for the same crime
一罪:one crime
一致行动;合谋:Acting in concert
一支接一支不停地抽烟:chain smoke
一元的复利本利和:compound amount of one
一言既出,驷马难追:A real man never goes back on his words.
一线员工:basic-level worker
一系列政策措施:A series of policies and measures
一式四份中的一份:quad. quadruplicate
一式三份中的一份:Trip. triplicate
一式两联:(receipt or invoice) in duplicate
一时性抗辩权:momentary right of defense
一时贸易之盈余:The Surplus Profit Derived by An Individual from Incidental trading Activities
一审计的年代表:chronology of an audit
一审案件:case of trial of first instance