国有的:state owned
国有单位:state-owned sectors
国营企业所得税:state-owned enterprise income tax
国营企业奖金税:state-owned enterprise bonus tax
国营企业工资调节税:state-owned enterprise wages regulation
国营企业调节税:state-owned enterprise regulation tax
国营经济:state-owned economy
国营部门:state sector
国务院发展研究中心:DRC Development Research Center (of the China State Council)
国务卿:Secretary of State
国外中间商:foreign middlemen
国外银行:foreign banks
国外投资损失准备:Reserve for Loss in Outward Investment
国外投资:overseas investment
国外税额扣抵:Foreign Tax Credit
国外来源所得:Foreign-source Income
国外汇票:foreign Bill
国外分行:overseas branches
国外代理银行:foreign correspondent
国土局:Land and Resources Bureau
国土安全部:Department of National Territory's Safety
国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace
国泰航空公司:Cathay Airlines
国庆节:National Day
国内资产净值:NDA net domestic asset
国内支出总额:gross domestic expenditure
国内债券:domestic bond
国内银行:Home Bank
国内新闻:home news
国内外利润差额:spread between domestic and overseas int
国内通汇银行:domestic correspondent
国内诉讼:domestic litigation
国内税收:inland revenue,internal revenue
国内税法:IR code
国内生产总值;本地生产总值:Gross domestic product
国内目标市场定位的营销战略:domestic target marketing strategies
国内价格:domestic price
国内合资格机构投资者:Domesitc Qualified Institutional Investor
国内存款:domestic deposit
国民总需求:gross national demand
国民生产净值:net national product,NNP
国民经济总产值:total value of production in national economy
国民经济支柱产业:pillar industries in national economy
国民经济预算:National economic budget
国民经济部门:sector of national economy
国民服役政策策划官:Planning Officer NS Policy
国民服役行政组组长:Officer-in-Charge NS Administration
国民服役人员联系组组长:Officer-in-Charge NS Personnel Relations Section