经纪商(号):brokerage firm
经纪人事务所:brokerage house
经纪人或经纪人佣金:Brok. broker or brokerage
经纪人贷款:broker's loan
经纪;证券买卖;证券交易;证券行;经纪行:Brokerage House
经会计师证明的财务报表:certified financial statement
经常性贷款:commercial lending
经常项目顺差:current account surplus
经常居住中华民国境内:Continuous Residence Within the ROC
经常居住地:frequently dwelling place
经办费:Management fee
京剧人物脸谱:types of facial make-up in Beijing opera
京剧票友:Peking Opera fan
京九铁路:Jingjiu railway
京都协议书:Kyoto Protocol
禁止转让;不可转让:non-transferable;not transferable
禁止在任何地方、任何环境进行一切方式的释放核能的核武器试验保爆炸:prohibit any nuclear weapon test explosion which releases nuclear energy at any place and in any environment
禁止性规范:prohibitive norms
禁止流通物:res extra commercium;a thing out of commerce
禁止刊行:press ban
禁止规范:forbidding norm
禁止财产处分:Prohibited From the Disposal of Property
禁渔期:forbidden fishing period
进站预告标:station warning sign
进修班:Advanced training course
进行套做保值:to be hedging
进项税额:income tax
进项凭证:Input Documentary Evidence
进入战略:Entry Strategy
进入时支付:PAYE pay as you enter
进取型增长基金:Aggressive Growth Fund
进取型的投资管理:Aggressive Growth
进口依赖程度:degree of dependence on inport
进口许可证:certificate of import license,import license,import permits
进口替代:import substitution
进口渗透:import infiltration
进口配额:import quota
进口检验证书:certificate for import inspection
进口货物:import cargo
进口跟单汇票,进口押汇(汇票):inward documentary bill for collection
进口调节税:import regulation tax
进口存款:Import Deposits
进口差价税:import variable duties
进口部:Import Department
进口,输入:imp. import