湿式竖管:wet riser
湿式喷水灭火系统:wet sprinkler system
湿式化学灭火装置:wet chemical extinguishing system
湿式报警阀:hydraulic alarm valve
湿润剂添加剂:wet agent additive
湿球温度指数:wet-bulb globe-temperature index
湿化学:wet chemistry
湿管自动水幕系统:wet pipe automatic drencher system
湿管:wet pipe
湿大气:damp atmosphere
施工时间标准:engineered performance standard
施工棚:construction shed
施工程序图:process chart
失效模式与有效性分析:FEMA;Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
失听危险标准:damage risk criterion
失事信标:distress beacon
失事抢救人员:crash-rescue folk
失事飞机事故调查程序:crash investigation procedure
失事飞机救援车:crash truck
失事飞机救援:aircraft rescue
失事飞机火灾救援:air crash fire rescue
失事定位信标:crash locator beacon
失去控制的水带线:wild line
失去的火灾控制线:lost line
失火停车指示器:fire shutdown indicator
剩余燃烧阶段:residual combustion stage
盛行风:prevailing wind
盛水袋:shallow bag
盛火的罐:fire pot
圣伏罗里安:Saint Florian
圣诞树灯:Christmas tree lamp
省消防专员:provincial fire commissioner
绳索润滑剂:rope lubricant
绳索救援:rope rescue
绳索固定升梯:auditorium raise
绳的尺寸:size of rope
声音探测器:sound detector
声音和目视火灾显示器:sound and visual fire indicator
声响火灾报警系统:fire-alarm sounding system
声散:acoustic dispersion
声频前置放大器:audio preamplifier
声频放大系统:audible amplification system
声光警报系统:audio and video alarm system
声光警报:audible and visible alarm
声发射探测:acoustic emission detection