燃烧器脉动:burner pulsation
燃烧气味:smell of burning
燃烧气体压力:combustion-gas pressure
燃烧气体动力学:combustion aerodynamics
燃烧气体产物:combustion gas product
燃烧气体:combustion gas
燃烧评定试验:fire evaluation test
燃烧盘:fire tray
燃烧面积增大:burning surface augmentation
燃烧面:combustion front
燃烧炉:Combustion furnace
燃烧量热学:combustion calorimetry
燃烧量:burning capacity
燃烧链反应:combustion chain reaction
燃烧开始:onset of burning
燃烧开裂迹印:fire crack mark
燃烧开裂:fire crack
燃烧距离:length burned
燃烧进气口:combustion air inlet
燃烧阶段:combustion phase
燃烧极限:fire limitation
燃烧火焰的扩散:combustion-flame propagation
燃烧活化:combustive activation
燃烧痕迹:burn pattern
燃烧罐;燃烧室:explosion chamber
燃烧管型安全灯:combustion-tube lamp
燃烧锋面:burning wall
燃烧废气:effluent gas
燃烧方程:burning equation
燃烧反应平衡动力学:CREK;combustion reaction equilibrium and kinetics
燃烧对象:burning object
燃烧毒物学:combustion toxicology
燃烧毒素:burn toxin
燃烧定律:burning law
燃烧调查:combustion investigation
燃烧穿透测试:fire pentration test
燃烧持续时间:burning duration
燃烧层:burning zone,zone of combustion
燃烧残余物:burning residue
燃烧波动力学:combustion-wave dynamics
燃烧表面:burning surface
燃烧爆炸:combustion and explosion
燃烧安全设备:combustion safeguard
燃气系统:gas system
燃气锅轮:gas turbine
燃气波:gaseous combustion wave
燃木:fire brand;firebrand