釉面物料:glazed ware
釉面陶土管:vitrified clay pipe
釉面陶土:glazed earthenware
釉面瓷砖:ceramic glaze
釉瓷瓦;玻璃瓦:vitreous tile
釉瓷瓦:enameled tile
釉瓷耐火黏土:enamelled fire clay
釉瓷:vitreous enamel
幼圆锉:Round File (3rd)
幼纹面:hairline finish
幼童游乐场地:toddler's play area
幼藤丝:Ratten Silk
幼身光管:Economy Fluorescent Tube
幼平扁锉:Flat File (3rd)
幼黏土:fine clay
幼年期残积土:Immature residual soil
幼方锉:Square File (3rd)
幼儿院:children's play centre
右手开门:right hand door
右侧面图:right hand view
有组织的设计:structured design
有中柱的螺旋楼梯:newel stair
有值代价:valuable consideration
有执照建筑:construction under licence
有争议的双方:contesting parties
有意置业人士:aspiring home-buyer
有意发展人士:potential developer
有效主应力:principal effective stress
有效深度:efficient depth
有效切削浓度:Effective depth of cut
有效强度包线:effective strength envelope
有效刨削宽度:Effective cutting width
有效内摩擦角:effective internal friction angle
有效粒径:effective size
有效空间:effective space
有效客量:effective storage
有效荷载:useful load
有效合同价:effective contract price
有效储水:live storage
有效侧向约束:effective lateral restraint
有限工住地:tight working space
有系统勘察全港斜坡计划:Systematic Inspections of Features in the Territory[SIFT]
有系统鉴定及登记全港斜坡计划:Systematic Identification and Registration of Slopes in the Territory[SIRST]
有系统鉴辨全港斜坡维修责任计划:Systematic Identification of Maintenance Responsibility of Slopes in the Territory[SIMAR]
有问题的业权:defective title
有问题的斜坡:defective slope
有土力问题的建屋地盘:geotechnically difficult site
有通气孔模板:vented form
有通风罩废物箱:litter container with cowl