涌泉状况:artesian condition
涌泉压力水头:artesian pressure head
涌泉压力:artesian pressure
涌泉地下水:artesian ground-water
涌流阀:deluge valve
永续(耐久性)设计:sustainable design
永久作用标准值:characteristic value of permanent action
永久桩模:permanent lining
永久转售限制:indefinite resale restriction
永久终饰:permanent finish
永久支护:permanent support
永久修复工程:permanent reinstatement
永久性预应力地锚桩基系统(公共工程类别):permanent prestressed ground anchor systems [public works category]
永久性结构:Permanent stucture
永久性加固填筑结构使用的物料:proprietory products for permanent reinforced fill structures
永久性加固填筑结构:permanent reinforced fill structure
永久式模板:permanent shuttering
永久设施:permanent facility
永久黏合剂:permabond adhesive
永久居住单位:permanent housing unit
永久结构:permanentc onstruction
永久接驳:permanent connection
永久建筑物:permanent building
永久间隔:permanent partition
永久构筑物:permanent structure
永久房屋:permanent housing
永久持有权年数:years of purchase in perpetuity
永久保留选择购回居屋单位的权利(居者有其屋计划):buy-back option in perpetuity [Home Ownership Scheme]
壅水水位:banked-up water level
壅水构造物的水头:head across the weir
拥有人代理人;业主代理人:agent for owner
拥有权申索:claim of ownership
硬砖:hard brick
硬质压实土:hard compact soils
硬质墙面层:hard finish
硬质铺装路:hard top
硬质铺面停车场:hard parking place
硬质铺面:hard pavement
硬质骨料:hard aggregate
硬纸板屋顶:cardboard roof
硬岩:hard rock
硬性塑胶:rigid plastic
硬土层:hard stratum
硬石岩:hard rock
硬石混凝土:hard rock concrete