土质化验:laboratory soil testing
土质甸:soil investigation
土样品:earth sample
土压力主动土压力系数:coefficient of active earth pressure
土压力系数:earth pressure coefficient
土压力土压力:earth pressure
土压力朗肯状态:Rankine state
土压力朗肯土压力理论:Rankine s earth pressure theory
土压力库仑土压力理论:Coulomb s earth pressure theory
土压力库尔曼图解法:Culmannn construction
土压力静止土压力系数:coefficient of earth pressur at rest
土压力静止土压力:earth pressue at rest
土压力;被动土压力:passive earth pressure
土芯钻取计划:coring programme
土芯直径;岩芯直径:core diameter
土芯直径;芯样直径:core diameter
土芯样本资料库:core data bank
土芯样本;岩芯样本:core sample
土芯样本:core sample
土芯检视:inspection core test
土围堰:earth cofferdam
土石料的填筑及碾压:working sequence
土石坝:embankment dam
土壤状况:soil regime
土壤支承能力:soil support value
土壤性能:soil behaviour
土壤斜坡;土坡:soil slope
土壤稳定工程;加固工程:soil stabilization works
土壤添加剂:soil amendments
土壤特性;土质:soil behaviour
土壤试样:soil pattern
土壤渗透性:soil permeability
土壤膨胀性能:swelling capability of soil
土壤膨突:soil bulging
土壤密度:soil density
土壤毛管吸力;土壤负孔隙压力:soil suction
土壤粒径累积曲线:soil grain diameter accumulation curve
土壤沥青:Soil bitumen
土壤结构:Soil structure
土壤架构:Soil skeleton
土壤加固工程:soil stabilization works
土壤及岩石试验(公共工程类别):soil and rock testing [public works category]
土壤夯实机:soil compacting machine
土壤夯实:earth compaction
土壤固结:earth consolidation
土壤构造:Soil structure
土壤调查:Soil survey
土壤的最大密度:maximum density of soil