振铃早释:Release while ringing
振铃信号:ring signal
振铃发送时延:Ringing Sending Delay
振铃电路,冲击激励电路:RC Ringing Circuit
振簧开关:Reed Switch
振幅校准器振幅测量器:amplitude calibration unit
振幅测试仪:amplitude measuring instrument
振动诊断程序:VDP Vibration Diagnostic Program
振荡器活动监视器:OAM Oscillator Activity Monitor
振荡的彩色循序:OCS Oscillating Color Sequence
振保持光纤:Polarization Maintaining fiber
阵列行距:array pitch
阵列处理机:Array processor
诊断追踪程序:diagnostic trace routine
诊断指令:diagnose instruction
诊断与决策:diagnostic and decision making
诊断误差:Error Diagnostics
诊断软盘:diagnostic disk
诊断接口:diagnose interface
诊断功能:diagnosis function
诊断程序:diagnostic procedure
诊断测试卡:disease identification test strip
诊断测试:diagnostic test
诊错分时:time sharing,error diagnostics
真值维护系统:TMS Truth Maintenance System
真值表表列法:truth table tabulation
真执行模式:TEM True Execute Mode
真我色彩映像系统:RLIS Real Life Imaging System
真实语音电子邮件〖软件名〗:OVE Objective Voice E C mail
真实系统:true system
真实世界计算机:Real World Computing(RWC )
真实世界计算:RWC,Real World Computing
真实时钟,系统时钟:real-time clock
真实生活〖网语〗:RL real life
真实媒体体系结构:RMA Real Media Architecture
真实傅里叶变换:RFT Real Fourier Transformer
真实地址:source address validation
真实代码模拟〖防火墙〗:RCE Real C Code Emulation
真品证书:COA Certificate Of Authenticity
真空荧光显示器:vacuum fluorescent display
真空量度:vacuum measurement
真空计控制电路:vacuum gage control circuit
真空管振荡器:vacuum-tube oscillator
真空管控制放大器:amplifier,valve control