栈结构多处理机:stacked multiprocessor
栈底指示字:bottom of stack pointer
栈底:stack bottom
战术卫星:tactical satellite
战术通信系统:tactical communication system
战术通信卫星:TACOMSAT TActical COMmunications SATellite
战术通信:tactical communication
战术数据登录器(美国陆军):TACDEN Tactical Data Entry Unit
战术核武器:tactical nuclear weapon
战术航空武器控制系统:TAWCS Tactical Air Weapons Control System
战术高级计算机/联合工作站:TAC / JW Tactical Advanced Computer C Joint Workstation
战术高级计算机:TAC Tactical Advanced Computer
战术电子战系统:TEWS Tactical Electronic Warfare System
战区野战军医疗管理信息系统:TAMMIS Theater Army Medical Management Information System
战略角色扮演游戏:srpg(strategies role play games)
战略轰炸轨道系统:BOSS Bomb Orbital Strategic System
占线状态,忙状态:Seized Status,Busy State
占线音,忙音:BT Busy Tone
占线计次:peg count
占空因数:duty cycle
展示资料:presentation data
展示讯号地址储存器:Display Lights Address Storage
展示快取:presentation cache
展示档案:presentation file
展频:Spread Spectrum
展开资料夹:expand folder
窄频IDSN:Narrowband ISDN,N-ISDN
窄频:narrow band
窄带综合业务数字网:Narrowband ISDN N-ISDN
窄带综合服务数字网络,"一线通":N-ISDN Narrowband C Integrated Services Digital Network
窄带直接打印:NBDP Narrow Band Direct Printing
窄带语音调制:NBVM NarrowBand Voice Modulation
窄带网络:narrow-band network
窄带完全接入通信系统:NTACS Narrowband Total Access Communication System
窄带数字广播协会:NADIB NArrow band DIgital Broadcasting consortium
窄带数据线:NBDL NarrowBand Data Line
窄带模拟移动电话业务:NAMPS Narrowband Analog Mobile Phone Service
窄带广播:Narrow Band Broadcast
窄带个人通信服务:NPCS Narrowband Personal Communications Service
窄带高级移动电话服务:NAMPS Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Service
窄带分配:NBA Narrow Band Allocation
窄带调频:narrow-band freqeuncy modulation(nbfm)
窄带传感器:NBT NarrowBand Transducer
摘要和目录:A and I
摘要档案:abstract file
摘录符号:abstract symbol
摘录服务:abstracting service