条件或:conditioned disjunction
条件断点指令:conditional breakpoint instruction
条件断点:conditional breakpoint
条件编译:condition compilation
挑战与响应验证协议:NTLM NT LanMan WindowsNT
挑检标识符:pick identifier
填隙程序:gap filling program
填色色彩:fill color
填满因子:fill factor
填满段落:fill Paragraph
填空〖网语〗:FITB fill in the blank
填充字符:fill(er) character; filling character; pad(ding) character
填充属性:fill area attribute
填充区:fill area; filling area
填充符:fuller,fill character
填充比特:Filling Bit
添加文件:addition file
添加内存:Add-in Memory
添加处理:additive process
天线支架:Antenna stand
天线合路器:Antenna Combiner ACOM
天线方向性图,天线辐射图:Antenna Pattern
天然气业务信息管理系统:GSIMS Gas Service Information Management System
天馈组件:Antenna Feeder Component
天馈线:antenna and feed line
天馈耦合器:Antenna Feeder Coupler
天馈滤波器:Antenna Feeder Filter
天馈检测计:Antenna Feeder Detector
天馈附件:Antenna Feeder Accessories
天馈部件:Antenna Feeder Parts
天馈:Space feed
天草有限公司:Natural Grass CO.,LTD
替用最佳解:Alternate Optima
替用路径再试:Alternate Path Retry (APR)
替用路径选择法:Alternate Routing
替用磁道:Alternate Track
替换字符:replacement character,substitute character
替换文件:alternate file
替换通路再试:alternate path retry
替换冗余:replacement redundancy
替换恢复:Alternate Recovery (AR)
替换点:substitution point
替换测试:replacement test
题目文件:problem file; problem folder; run book
题目或款目:subject or entry
提早标准化:early normalization