制动按钮[把手]:brake knob
制动按钮:stop button
制动/离合器室:brake/clutch compartment
制动(器)问题:brake problem
制动(器)失效:brake malfunction
制定的调定:customized setting
制导平面:guidance plane
制导计算机:Navigation and Control Computer
制袋包装机:sack making and packaging machine
制程周期:CT Cycle Time
制程中的品质管制人员:IPQC in process quality control
制程检验规格:SIP Specification In Process
制成板:welded board
制冰厂:ice factory,ice-making plant
至此,到这种程度为止:so far
趾端:toe end
指针总成:needle assembly
指针显示器:pointer indicator
指针式测试温度计:pointer test thermometer
指针盘:pointer disk
指针尖端:pointer tip
指旋螺纹:thumb screw
指形榫:finger joint
指向箭头:Pointing arrowhead
指锁:finger lock
指数椭面:index ellipsoid
指数分布定律:power law of distribution
指示直径:indicated diameter
指示针摆动:indicator movement
指示用仪表:indicating instrument
指示维修:indicated service
指示图表:instructional chart
指示手册:instruction manual
指示器组件(液压回油滤清器):Indicator as (hydraulic return filter)
指示器组件:indicator group
指示器总成:indicator assembly
指示器柱塞锁:indicator piston lock
指示器柱塞:indicator plunger
指示器指针[销]:indicator pin
指示器指针:indicator pointer
指示器支架:indicator bracket
指示器旋扭:indicator tongue
指示器蓄电池电压:indicator battery voltage
指示器蓄电池电流:indicator battery current
指示器箱[盒]:indicator box
指示器线束连接器线束:indicator harness connector harness
指示器显示:indicator display
指示器数字显示装置[示值读数]:indicator readout