音(响)综合分析器:sound synthesis analyzor
茵陈五苓散:Yinchenwulin Powder
茵陈:Herba Artemisiae scopariae
阴证:yang syndrome
阴影缺损:shadow defect
阴影定型,定影法:shadow casting
阴痒:pruritus vulvae
阴阳自和:natural harmony of yin-yang
阴阳转化:transformation between yin and yang
阴阳消长:wane and wax of Yin and Yang
阴阳失调:imbalance of Yin and Yang
阴阳偏衰:deficiency of either yin or yang
阴阳偏盛:excess of either yin or yang
阴阳偏胜:relative excessiveness of Yin or Yang
阴阳两虚证:Yin Yang Liang Xu Zheng
阴阳离子平衡:cation-anion balance
阴阳离决:separation of yin and yang
阴阳互根:interdependence between yin and yang
阴阳格拒:opposition and exclusion of Yin and Yang
阴阳对立:opposition of yin-yang
阴阳并补剂:formula for benefiting both yin and yang
阴阳辨证:differentiation of Yin and Yang
阴虚阳亢证:Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity zheng
阴虚阳亢:Asthenic yin causing predominant yang
阴虚咽喉失濡证:syndrome of loss of moistening of throat due to yin deficiency
阴虚血瘀证:yin asthenia and blood stasis
阴虚血热证:syndrome of yin deficiency and blood heat
阴虚外感证:syndrome of exogenous disease due to yin deficiency
阴虚湿热证:Deficiency of kidney-yin and dampness-heat syndrome
阴虚内热证:Internal Heat Due to Yin Dificiency
阴虚津亏证:syndrome of yin deficiency and depletion of fluid
阴虚火旺证:heat syndrome due to yin-deficiency
阴虚火旺:yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity
阴虚风动:stirring wind due to yin deficiency
阴虚肺燥证:syndrome of lung dryness due to yin deficiency
阴虚发热:fever with yin asthenia
阴虚动血证:syndrome of stirring blood due to yin deficiency
阴虚动风证:syndrome of stirring wind due to yin deficiency
阴虚盗汗:night sweat due to deficiency of yin
阴虚齿燥证:syndrome of teeth dryness due to yin deficiency
阴虚肠燥证:syndrome of intestine dryness due to yin deficiency
阴性血液:rh negative blood rh
阴邪:yin pathogens
阴郄:ht 6
阴维脉:Yin Wei channel
阴损及阳证:syndrome of yin deficiency involving yang
阴损及阳:deficiency yin affecting yang