第二类沃尔泰拉积分方程:Volterra integral equation of the second kind
第二类完全椭圆积分:complete elliptic integral of the second kind
第二类完全数:perfect number of the second kind
第二类椭圆积分:elliptic integral of the second kind
第二类椭圆函数:elliptic function of the second kind
第二类切比雪夫多项式:Chebychev polynomial of the second kind
第二类马蒂厄函数:Mathieu function of the second kind
第二类勒让德函数:Legendre function of the second kind
第二类拉梅函数:Lamé function of the second kind
第二类汉克尔函数:Hankel function of the second kind
第二类弗雷德霍姆积分方程:Fredholm integral equation of the second kind
第二类典范坐标:canonical coordinates of the second kind
第二类的序数:ordinal number of the second class
第二类超几何函数:hypergeometric function of the second kind
第二类不完全椭圆积分:incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
第二类不连续点:non-continuous point of the second species
第二类贝塞耳函数:bessel function of the second kind
第二类贝塞尔函数;诺伊曼函数:Neumann function;Bessel function of the second kind
第二可数公理:second countability
第二极限定理:second limit theorem
第二分量:second component
第二范畴集:set of the second category
第二范畴:second category
第二比较检验:second comparison test
第n项:nth member
第n偏商:nth partial quotient
第 n 类贝尔函数:n-th class of Baire functions
递增序列:increasing sequence
递增超限序列:increasing transfinite sequence
递升序列:ascending sequence
递减幂级数:descending power series
递减归纳:descending induction
递减次序:descending order
递归序数:recursive ordinal
递归算术:recursive arithmetic
递归数论:recursive number theory
递归事件:recurrent event
递归时间:recurrence time
递归可数集:recursively enumerable set
递归可枚举集:rescursively enumberable set
递归可公理化:recursively axiomatizable
递归集:recurrent sets
递归定理:recursion theorem
递归等价性:recursive equivalence
递归边图:recursive edge graph
地址计数器:adress counter
地图着色问题:map coloring problem
底拓扑空间:underlying topological space
底群:underlying group