Ram fight held at temple fair in E China's Shandong


Two rams tussle in a ram fight at a temple fair in Haoshantou Township of Lianshan County, east China's Shandong Province, March 22, 2014. More than 120 rams were taken to fight in the competition. (Xinhua/Liu Xinzhong)


Two rams tussle in a ram fight at a temple fair in Haoshantou Township of Lianshan County, east China's Shandong Province, March 22, 2014. More than 120 rams were taken to fight in the competition. (Xinhua/Liu Xinzhong)


A master takes his ram to take part in the ram fight at a temple fair in Haoshantou Township of Lianshan County, east China's Shandong Province, March 22, 2014. More than 120 rams were taken to fight in the competition. (Xinhua/Liu Xinzhong)

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