Malaysia asks more countries for assistance, expertise
CNTV, March 18, 2014


The search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 in northern and southern corridors is underway.

Malaysia's acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Monday that his country has requested satellite and radar assistance from countries along broad arcs that travel north and south along paths the plane may have taken.

Malaysia's acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Monday.

Malaysia's acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Monday. 

The acting transport minister said Kazakhstan joined the search on Monday scouring farthest northwest section of the search area. Australia announced it was taking the lead in the search over the southern Indian Ocean.

The Malaysian minister said there are now 26 countries participating in the search, and a French team of investigators has arrived in the Malaysian capital to assist with the search. Malaysian authorities said they have coordinated with the FBI and Interpol and opened investigations into the crew on the first day the plane disappeared .

Hussein said Malaysia will not withhold any useful information, but will not release information until it is verified. Monday marks the tenth day of the search for the missing airliner.


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