Kerry wants chemical arms shipped out of Syria
(Xinhua)   2013-10-18 10:03:15

BEIJING, Oct. 18 (Xinhuanet) -- US Secretary of State, John Kerry, says he hopes 's chemical weapons will be rapidly consolidated into one location, put on a ship and removed from the region.

Kerry said in a media interview that he will meet with the Syrian opposition Tuesday in London. He said the sites of Syria’s chemical weapons have been declared and are being secured. In the interview, Kerry emphasized that the way forward in Syria would have to be diplomatic and that maintaining state institutions is key to future progress.

Kerry says he will try to set up a conference in Geneva to find a political resolution to the civil war in Syria. Weapon inspectors are still in Syria assessing the country's stockpile and how to destroy it.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu Dan
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